Macedonia Population
Macedonia has a fairly even distribution of population throughout most of the country, with urban areas attracting larger and denser populations.
Ethnic groups
Ethnic group division in Macedonia
Macedonian 64.2%
Albanian 25.2%
Turkish 3.9%
Romani 2.7%
Serb 1.8% other 2.2%
The main religion of The Republic of Macedonia is Orthodox Christianity, followed by Muslim faith. There are some existing religions in Macedonia such as Jews, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants and Baptists.
Macedonian Orthodoxy – starts with a long history. Archbishopric of Ohrid, also referred to as an autonomous Orthodox Church under the power of Patriarch of Constantinople, was established in the year 1019. The Archbishopric of Ohrid was abolished by the Turks in the year 1767 under the order of the Sultan. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Archbishopric of Ohrid was reinstated.
Other Christian Religion – in the year 1918, the Macedonian Catholic church was established. It was the influenced by the Romans, Byzantines, and Eastern Catholic Churches and uses Macedonian in the liturgy. Currently, there are about 11,400 members of the Macedonian Catholic Church. Most of the members of the Catholic Church are Albanians.
Islam – during the Ottoman invasion, the Turks established their Muslim faith in the people of Macedonia. This religion is prominent in the city of Tetovo, Bitola, and Skopje, the current capital of The Republic of Macedonia.
Judaism – there are only a few people of Macedonia that practices the faith of a Jew. There are approximately 200 Jewish communities in Macedonia. You can find the majority of the Jews in the capital, Skopje, with a little Jewish family in Stip and Bitola.
Orthodox Christianity comprises 64.7% of the Macedonian total population, followed by Islam with 33.3%, other Christian with 0.37%, Judaism with 0.01%, and other unspecified religions with 1.63%.